Advantages of automated labelling

In today’s growing marketplace automation is crucial for manufacturers to remain competitive in their industry. However, deterred by the financial investment of automated systems, many producers are still completing labour-intensive processes like carton or pallet labelling manually.


Labelling in logistics is a key component of traceability throughout the supply chain, and the application is just as important as the label itself. Applying the label is typically the final step before sending the carton or pallet out the door. Ensuring this is done as efficiently and accurately as possible provides manufacturers with the competitive advantage of getting the product to the consumer faster. This is exactly what automated labelling systems can achieve, along with several other key benefits.

Consistency of Label Application

When shipping labels are applied manually, to achieve a higher output can mean less consistency in the application. If implemented correctly automated labelling systems can be programmed to exact specifications with a very minute tolerance for deviation. Production can be monitored so consistency is maintained without sacrificing output or cost of labour.

Increase Output

Automated labelling systems can allow output to grow without sacrificing consistency as they can be configured to match the speed of the production line. In fact, they can improve efficiency by making the label application process more streamlined. Ultimately, manufacturers can increase production volumes, being able to better fulfill consumer demand.

Improves ROI

The ultimate benefit of automating any process is reducing the cost of production. Making the labelling process automated reduces labelling errors and mistakes caused by human error, eliminating the cost derived from wasted stock as well as better distributing labour cost. In addition, it can also guarantee the accuracy of the application, safeguarding traceability and improving recall management.
